Individual Tax Services
near Moncks Corner, SC
We can help prepare and file your individual taxes near Moncks Corner, SC
Don't Worry About Your Personal Taxes
Do you dread tax season? You don’t have to prepare and file your taxes without help. Call on Barbara A. Hughes, LLC Accountants & Consultants in Moncks Corner, SC. We provide assistance with individual taxes for clients throughout the area.
Get your taxes submitted correctly and on time in 3 easy steps
Few people are tax experts. That’s why it’s a smart idea to get help from a qualified accountant when it comes time to file your taxes. We’ve created a three-step process to make filing your taxes easier:
- Schedule an advisory meet with one of our accountants
- We’ll provide you with a tax information packet to fill out and return
- We’ll use the information you provided to prepare and file your return
Our accountants will be available to answer any questions you may have as you fill out your tax information packet. Don’t miss the April 15 deadline for filing your taxes. Get assistance from our team and submit your taxes on time.
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